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Deep-Tissue Massage:
a massage suitable for muscle pain

Deep-Tissue Massage:<br /> a massage suitable for muscle pain

Deep Tissue Massage is a deep and slow massage that targets the muscle fibres in depth. The therapist uses the forearms, elbows and knuckles of the hands to remove the existing blockages.

What are muscle blockages?

Muscle blockacges are caused by a build-up of toxins in the muscles caused by sustained physical exertion, a bad emotional state, or continuous stress.

Anything toxic in our body is painful, this is the first sign that something is wrong and needs to be eliminated. The accumulation of toxins affects all the surrounding tissues: tendons, joints, neighbouring muscles, and also leads to decreased movement in the joint.

Tension first occurs only between the muscle fibres, then the muscle loses its elasticity, becomes stiff, pulls on the joints, there is clumsy movement, pain and then damage to the joint's irrigation system.

If we tell a man that most ailments are just caused by some build-up of toxins and especially lactic acid build-up, it will perhaps be unbelievable for him, or perhaps a great subject for debate.

This type of massage succeeds in breaking down the blockages in our body and for this reason it is important to consume a large amount of water, both before and after the therapeutic process. This will help flush and remove toxins released from the tissue by removing lactic acid from the tissues and taking it into the lymphatic circulation.

Therefore, lack of normal drainage and lack of water leads to the inability to break down and eliminate lactic acid, which causes the muscle blockage.

**How do you know you need a Deep Tissue Massage?

You need this type of massage when you have chronic muscle contractures caused by various dysfunctions or when you have various muscle pains from unknown causes. If you have had surgery in the past and the tissue has recovered and the area has healed completely, toxins and fibrosis have formed there and can be removed with a Deep Tissue massage.

If you have joint pain, or osteoarthritis, and your muscles are sore and painful, you need this type of massage. If you are someone who does repetitive physical work that puts pressure on your muscles and joints, then we confidently recommend a Deep Tissue massage once a week.

Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage:

The manoeuvres used are designed to both deeply relax the muscles and restore poor blood circulation and ensure good blood and lymph flow. This massage helps people who experience persistent muscle tension, those who engage in strenuous physical activity, athletes, and people with a sedentary lifestyle who spend a lot of time sitting still in a particular position.

Deep Tissue Massage will remove the acute numbness or fatigue you feel in the muscles of your back, neck, shoulders and pelvis. As an intense massage with immediate noticeable effects, it will increase your muscle tone.

Try it! You're sure to feel more relaxed, refreshed and energized!

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